Before The Sun Sets (ManxMan), one of Best LGBT Novels

Before The Sun Sets (ManxMan)

Before The Sun Sets (ManxMan) Synopsis

How do you save a marriage?

Adam doesn't know what to do. How does he fight for his marriage, for his kids, when his husband is never home?

How does he get his husband to fall in love with him all...

Before The Sun Sets (ManxMan) Trailer

0. In the beginning.

Adam closes the fridge and turns around to grab the cup of warm milk. He quickly glances at the time and lets out when he sees it's eleven thirty. His husband wasn't home yet. Adam goes up the stairs and turns right, heading straight for his second son's room. The main light was off but the bedside lamp was on, shining light on the face of Adam's little boy.

"Papa?" George whispers. His voice quiet and soft.

Adam walks into the room with the cup of warm milk and sits by the side of George's bed. He watched as George sits up, his back propped against one of his many pillows. He reaches out to the bedside table for his circle- framed glasses and slides it on.

"Come on, Bunny. Have some milk, it will help you sleep." Adam says softly as he hands George the cup of warm milk.

"Thank you, papa."

Adam smiles at his son, he moves closer. He raises his hand and strokes George's head softly. Unlike Jhoni, Bella and Ian, George took after his father more. Instead of having hair as dark as night like Adam, he had blonde hair like his father- Jensen.

"Is daddy back yet?" George asks when he was done with his warm milk. He hands Adam the cup and relaxes on to the bed. Adam places the cup on the floor and helps George pull off his glasses and place it back on the bedside table.

"Daddy has a lot of work to do, bunny."

"That's what you said last week when he didn't show for Jhoni's birthday party." George mutters, his lips pulled tight into a pout as he stares at his papa. Adam took in a deep breath and let it out. He wonders if his child was right. He said the same thing two weeks ago when Jensen didn't show for Jhoni's birthday.

"He's your dad, bunny. He's just busy."

"He doesn't come home anymore, papa and Jhoni is always angry at you." George says, his green eyes focused on Adam.

Adam smiles at his son. He leans down to press a kiss to George's head and lifts the duvet till it was covering George's shoulders. He didn't know George noticed Jhoni's anger towards him and wonders if Bella and baby Ian notice it to. Jhoni was always angry at whatever Adam does, even if it to drop the laundry off at his room and Adam doesn't know why. He sums it all to puberty even though deep down, he knows it's something else.

"Bunny, Jhoni is just going through puberty. You will go through it very soon." Adam chuckles. "Don't think about it, okay? Just go to sleep and have sweet dreams."

"You too, papa."


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